Hosting Successful Virtual and Hybrid Events

Hosting successful virtual and hybrid events requires careful planning, great data, and agility. Nothing can replace the experience of a live event, however most virtual events can provide a similar experience by sharing knowledge and engaging with the audience online. The growth of virtual conferences in the near term is attributable in large part to the implications of COVID-19. Prior …

Lessons Learned from a Content Marketing Pioneer

Few would argue that CONTENT MARKETING is key to brand marketing, and it continues to be an evolving discipline. With its roots in owned media—first, custom publications and later, websites, Mike Winkleman has had a ringside seat in this evolution. He has worked in traditional and custom publishing and has watched new channels and formats broaden the definition and role …

Former Ogden CEO Explains How Fostering Passion Lifts Engagement & Profits

Long-time publishing innovator Bryan Welch shares lessons he learned from launching a slew of profitable magazine business, from Mother Earth News to Motorcycle Classics. Tapping into one’s passion can be a powerful fuel for any business enterprise, but it is particularly vital for the magazine business. Bryan Welch, the former CEO of niche media company Ogden Publications, says that staying …

New Business Opportunities By Asking the Right Questions with Mike Fernandez

Sometimes the key to discovering new business opportunities is asking the right questions. Mike Fernandez, the U.S. CEO of the global public relations firm Burson-Marsteller, says publishers need to ask new questions in order to understand the changing media landscape. “The questions that the industry needs to ask itself is not only, ‘Do we know where our primary audience is?’ …


Professional Growth and Development

‘Do what you love. Let your passion become your career.’ For most people, that’s not very practical advice. Here’s a short presentation with a better strategy. You’ll learn about the attitudes and skill sets you’ll need to build a great career, whatever your profession. Click HERE to start the presentation. (Use your browser’s Back button to come back here after …

5 Ways to Improve Native Ads While Maintaining Reader Trust

Native advertising is now a major revenue driver for publishers, and its share of the advertising market will continue to grow. Revenue earned from native display advertising in the U.S. is expected to surpass $34 billion in 2017, and by 2021 it will make up 74% of U.S. display ad revenue. In 2014 Doug Anmuth, an internet analyst at J.P. …

5 Questions to Save Your Readership Survey

This article is reprinted from It is a summary of a presentation Sabatier made in Washington, DC in early 2017. AM&P’s December Lunch & Learn session covered ins and outs of audience research By Rebecca Stauffer, PDA “Most research projects fall down in the thinking and planning stages,” says Lou Ann Sabatier, principal for Sabatier Consulting. During AM&P’s December …